Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Win a Laurie R. King Broadside for You and Us!

Laurie R King's new book The God of the Hive is here, providing long-awaited resolution to the plot threads left dangling in her previous book, The Language of Bees (out in paperback today!). Because Laurie loves independent bookstores, she's having a promotion: mail in your receipt from an indy bookstore by May 16 and get entered in a drawing for a broadside. If you win with your receipt from us, Third Place Books gets a broadside as well!

More information is available at www.laurierking.com. We also have printed copies of the drawing information in our Mystery section, right next to our shiny new copies of The God of the Hive. And we have a handful of signed bookplates for the new book - stop by and get your copy before we run out!

Posted by Monica.

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