Thursday, May 27, 2010

Bloomsbury Fever

We seem to have a bit of collector set fever roaming around the bookstore.  I have already mentioned the highly coveted/contagious new Penguin Hardcover Classics.  I myself am a push-over for the Graphic Penguin Classics Deluxe Editions, and right now, Christy is fending off a nasty bout of the Bloomsbury Group addiction.  Last Summer, Bloomsbury Publishing began re-releasing some lost novels from that famed set, in charming, new, brightly colored editions.  Their website has this to say about the collection:
This summer Bloomsbury Publishing is delighted to bring you The Bloomsbury Group.  This is a wonderful new series of lost novels from the early twentieth century, books recommended by readers for readers, being brought back into print for a new audience.  Literary bloggers, authors, friends and colleagues have shared their suggestions of cherished books worthy of revival.  The titles are:
 This series celebrates lost classics written by both men and women from the early twentieth century, books recommended by readers, for readers. Literary bloggers, authors, friends, and colleagues have shared their suggestions of cherished books worthy of revival. To send in your recommendation, please write to:
The Bloomsbury Group
Bloomsbury Publishing Plc
36 Soho Square
Currently, Christy has these Bloomsbury Group lovelies on display on display in the fiction section.  Along with her staff pick write-ups. But if you just can't wait, and want to know what Christy thinks right now, check out her staff picks here.

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