Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Pardon Our Dust

If you've been in the store lately, you may have noticed some alarming changes.  Like entire bookcases removed of their books.  Well, not to worry, we aren't packing up and leaving.  It's just a little in-house rearranging.  There are a lot of sections relocating.  Parenting will now be near Education, and Foreign Language is moving up front by Travel.  Some other sections are being condensed, all to make room for a little Children's Section sprawl.  Those kids need room to grow you know!  This will be a bit of a work in progress, so don't worry if you come in and suddenly find yourself all turned around.  Just ask us at the Info Desk and we'll be glad to help you out!

 Here's Stan helping out with the move.  Go Stan!

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