Sunday, September 30, 2012

Where Star Wars and Books Collide

Why is there such a pervasive Star Wars/Book Culture?  Is it just that Star Wars creeps into simply everything, or is there more to it?  Are books and Star Wars just the ideal nerd cross over?  It must be.  Because the rash of Star Wars/Book collisions is far too frequent to be coincidental.  Here are a few of my recent sightings.
Artist, Jason Peltz has combined Seuss and Star Wars in these clever and adorable mash ups.  More Here.

Man, don't you wish these were real books!  Hint, hint, Mr. Peltz.
TPB bookseller Annie has an awesome blog that she co-writes with her friend.  The idea behind the blog is to re-read all those Star Wars Universe sequels and prequels and all kinds of quels, and then record their adventures.  Her is more in Annie's own words...

The authors, a long time get the idea
"A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away...." These words still give me tingles for so many reasons, both personal and nerdy. I saw the Star Wars movies for the first time as a young girl and fell instantly in love with the characters, the universe, and the story. So much so, that when I met my dear friend Tess in elementary school and discovered she also adored Star Wars, we found a unique common ground.
Little did we know that bonding over the Force, Banthas, lightsabers, secret twin siblings, the Millennium Falcon, and nerdy books would lead us into a friendship spanning more than half our lifetimes. The Star Wars game we played in the woods at Tess's house and in my backyard ensured game nights at college, care packages when Tess moved to South Korea to teach English and when I went through chemotherapy, and many, many movie marathons when we saw each other in person. 

Star Wars didn't really create our friendship, of course; we did that ourselves. It just greased the s-foils a bit, if you will - helped us learn to embrace our differences because when the trenches of life came our way, it was "trusting our feelings," as Obi-wan would say, that helped sustain us and that continues on today. So this reading project and blog - which I'm sure to many non-Nerf Herders sounds completely silly - is just another way we celebrate friendship. After all, the Force is what bids us together and all that...
And of course, all the awesome books being released recently.  Here is a very small list...

Darth Vader and Son, by Jeffrey Brown

Star Wars Origami, by Chris Alexander

The Secret of the Fortune Wookiee, by Tom Angleberger

And maybe, just maybe, I myself will pick up my first Star Wars Novel in many moons when this one comes out in December..come on, it's Han Solo-he was my first love, and you never forget your first love.

Scoundrels, by Timothy Zahn

1 comment:

  1. Check these out. They were something of an internet sensation a couple of years ago. You might have seen them on Buzzfeed, reddit, boingboing, Drawn or any one of the other major websites that linked to them. Take a look!
