Thursday, November 1, 2012

Cookbooks! International Edition

The Chef at work
Something about the fall really has the publishers churning out the cookbooks.  Must be the Holiday cooking season on their minds.  Here at Third Place Books, we are lucky enough to have Emily, a bookseller devoted to all things food!  She's always trying new recipes and often sharing the delicious results. She has kindly offered some of her insights on this season's hot new cookbooks, including some of the recipes she's tried.  Because there are so many cookbooks out right now, this will be the first in a 3 part series.

Jerusalem, by Yotam Ottolengh and Sami Tamimi

From the author of Plenty (which has sold steadily here since it arrived in March 2011) comes another beautiful book, this time written with his friend and fellow chef Sami Tamimi. Together, they explore the cuisine of their home city and the wide variety of cultures and cuisines that have come together there. Each recipe is preceded by a vibrant description of its origins and variations. I made the basmati and wild rice with currants and herbs - wow! Delicious and satisfying - a bit nutty, a little sweet, a little spicy. A few fried onions add an enormous amount of flavor to the dish, and I was content to eat a big bowl of it, unaccompanied, for dinner.
Emily's Basmati & Wild Rice with Currants & Herbs

Burma : Rivers of Flavor, by Naomi Duguid

The clearly written, approachable recipes aren't too intimidating but are interesting enough for the experienced cook looking to expand his or her horizons. Having a few specific pantry items from the first chapter on hand makes many of the recipes quick weeknight dinner options. I plan to try many more of the recipes - this cookbook is a keeper!  

Here is an expanded review from Emily's all looks so delicious!
Emily's Green Mango Salad
So if you have any questions on what to cook, or what to buy that foodie on your Holiday list, come down and find Emily, she's got all the food answers!
Stay tuned for our next edition...Baking!

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