Yes, we have an in house bakery, and yes, it's very yummy. But sometimes nothing beats the free food brought in by co-workers, especially when it's delicious. Last week Emily brought us cherry almond scones baked from the
Macrina Bakery & Cafe Cookbook... they didn't last long.
I admit it. I make excuses to go to past Macrina Bakery. They make yummy potato bread, and the cherry almond scones are to die for. Even better, the recipes for these coveted goodies are included in Leslie Mackie's Macrina Bakery & Cafe Cookbook. I tried my hand at the scones and brought some in to the bookstore to share. They were hastily devoured. By the time I thought about taking a picture, only crumbs remained. -Emily
Albeit, this isn't a book but there is a fantastic baking blog called Honey & Jam that I highly recommend. Everything from no-knead french bread (yeah - I bet you didn't know that even existed!) to cherry rosemary scones (will be trying these out this weekend). And no, I'm not pimping this blog because it's my own... I just genuinely love the recipes. Plus the great photography skills of Hannah, aka Honey and Jam Queen B, makes it a treat to the eyes as well as the tastebuds. :-) www.honeyandjam.com