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Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Art and the Public Transit Reader

Image from Underground NY Public Library
Yesterday, on the bus ride home, the gentleman beside me was reading.  And when I see someone with a book in their hand, I can't help but glance over to see what they're reading.  I either catch a glimpse of the cover, or sneak a peek the title on the top of the page.  He was reading War and Peace.  And I have to say I was impressed, not only because I have attempted to read that novel three times and failed, but because that is one big book to lug around on public transit.

I love seeing people reading, it's one of my favorite things about riding the bus, and if I happen to have read their book, I get an odd little thrill.  I almost never say anything to these bus readers, though it is a great way to start up a conversation.  It's one of the many reasons to dislike the Kindle and other eReaders.  Perhaps such devices are destroying the "brick and mortar" book industry, but more importantly they are denying me the joy I get by peeking into a stranger's life.

All of that being said, today I stumbled upon the greatest Facebook page ever.  Perfect for satiating my public transit, book fetish.  It's called Underground NY Public Library.  And the page is devoted to snapshots of New Yorkers, on the subway, reading.  That's all, so simple, but so lovely.  Check out the page.  Some of the shots are just beautiful and if you are a lover of books, and readers, they will make your heart swell.

Image from Underground NY Public Library
Posted by Erin B.

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